But you give these people a pass and say that they DON’T need to make this choice…that government should confiscate the money from other people (some who likely DO pay for their own healthcare and insurance) and give it to people, many of whom made the conscious choice to pay for their cable instead of health insurance.[/quote]
There’s no way around it if you want the population to be healthier. It’s something that we just have to get used to.
Some people don’t send any kids to school, but they still pay property taxes and Mello Roos.
If you don’t drive, do you think that bridges and highways should be funded?[/quote]
Last time I checked roads were built with DMV fees and gasoline taxes. If I am wrong then I’m wrong. But that is the way it should be…not an argument to justify more control by a very incompetent government.
Let people decide for themselves to be healthy or unhealthy.
Whoever said your indoctrinated is right. You refuse to say whether or not you think those in Congress are competent.
And if you do acknowledge that they are incompetent then you are outright insane since you want them to handle your health care.