[quote=briansd1]I have no doubt Civita will be a successful development that will hold value well.
I say let the market decide. New developments near the urban core sell well. People don’t wan’t far flung as much as they want new, clean and comfortable at a reasonable price.
BG sounds like a selfish old person who wants no new building near the urban core. But then she laments that people are moving to far flung areas. Those 2 positions are not realistically compatible.
Progress is about embracing change and newcomers. Your San Diego of 30 years ago is not what people want. It was never yours to begin with.[/quote]
WOW, brian! Where did this vitriol come from? And how did you come to this conclusion??
I actually like all the mid-century-wannabe condo bldgs in East Village! HOWEVER, the units in them have not been selling well in recent years. Along with several other languishing projects, I passed by the “Strata” today and it looks like its mgmt is STILL trying to rent these units after initially converting them to rentals nearly three years ago. Perhaps Pigg UR can tell us if more buyers have been showing interest of late in some of these *new* buildings. I think these new condos and apt bldgs, along with the redevelopment of the Gaslamp District, expansion of the SD Convention Center, completion of Petco Park, etc., has significantly improved SD’s dtn for the better. These projects replaced old, dilapidated SFR’s and comm’l buildings where the homeless slept under the eaves and lived on every corner with all their worldly possessions. Not to mention it eliminated scores of “porta-pottis” set out for the homeless on vacant lots near 14th and Market Sts (just NE of where the homeless were able to obtain sack breakfasts and lunches from charities for years – sometimes straight out of the backs of vehicles). The difference in dtn SD due to the rampant development of recent years is night and day!
I believe dtn SD got overbuilt and then underwater due to builders having excess liquidity and initial buyers being able to buy with “funny money.” But this is one area that WILL eventually “catch up to itself,” IMO.
I am completely against urban sprawl for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which it has had the unintended consequence of completely decimating the finances of so many CA cities and counties.
The “urban renewal” that has taken place in dtn SD is NOT “urban sprawl,” nor is “Civita” in MV. Whether or not any buildings existed on those sites prior to what is there now, they are considered infill. The two are completely different animals.