[quote=briansd1]I don’t disagree with you patientrenter.
Low income renters do need more help.
Long term, we need to reduce and eliminate housing subsidies that distort the system.
But right now, we need to create the demand that will spur job creation and jobs for the unemployed (who need jobs today, not 5 years from now).
A strong economy will give us the tools to reform the system. It’s not possible to reform the system in a weak economy.
Banks and corporations already refinanced to low interest rates debts. So have individuals with good steady incomes and good credit.
People who are stuck in high interest rate loans, and have been paying the loans on time should get a break. Let’s lower their interest rates to what the large corporations are paying.[/quote]
If they would have allowed the deflation to happen in 2008, we would be very near a bottom right now (always figured 2012 would mark a bottom without govt/Fed interference). Because of all their interventions, we are now stuck in a quagmire that will grind us all into permanent poverty over many, many years…maybe decades.
In case you missed it, the crisis isn’t over. It’s just been shifted from the private market (where it belongs) to the taxpayers. That’s what the sovereign debt crisis is all about, Brian. That’s why gold is where it is. That’s why our markets are so volatile. The crisis is before us, not behind us.
The only thing those idiots have “solved” is how to extract what little wealth remains as our societies burn, and they seem to have managed to escape criminal prosecution as well. They are trying to put more time and distance between themselves and the damage they’ve caused. I despise them.