I definitely feel that there is a racist element in the right, especially in the lower social economic strata of right wing Whites — people who would benefit greatly from Obama policies but who are vociferous opponents of Obama.
It’s a controversial issue so people don’t want to face it. Right wing leaders know this and they play to the fears of their base quite well.
But the demographics are such that progressives will win the day. It’s only a matter of time.
Conservatives want to preserve the status quo and they always had to be dragged along kicking and screaming. That’s the way it’s been and that’s the way it will remain.[/quote]
You know I’m one of the more left-leaning posters on this blog, but even I have to question your constant assertion that anyone who disagrees with Obama must be a racist.
Sure, there are racists out there, but that doesn’t mean that every time we disagree that we’re doing so for some irrational or emotional reason. IMHO, whenever people bring up the race issue, they just lost the debate. Let’s debate the **issues** and let facts and logic speak for themselves. Are you in?