[quote=briansd1]I believe that gays have always been around and have always comprised the same percentage of the population (though they lived in hiding in the past).[/quote]
I believe this also.
[quote-briansd1]The precentage of overweight people have increased in the last 50 years in America. The phenomenon is also visible across the world as people get richer and can afford more food.[/quote]
The difference in the last 30 years is VERY pronounced, especially in young people. The young people of “yesteryear” didn’t have computers and all these other electronic gadgets currently available. Phones were on the wall so often you sat in a barstool or stood up while talking on it. Same with public phones where you had to feed another dime in it after 3-10 mins. To change the TV channel, you got up and turned both the dial and the rabbit ears :=] They also didn’t have “power bars,” 300 kinds of chips, 100 kinds of soda, 50 kinds of “energy drinks,” a zillion other packaged snacks, Starbucks and multiple fast food outlets to choose from (now with “supersized” meals). All these choices tend to add a lot of calories to a kid’s daily life if they have the money and are freely allowed to choose.
VHS tapes and DVDs also did not exist. Kids back then pursued sports for entertainment and had to line up around a movie theatre or a record store when a movie or music single or album they wanted was released.
I am worried about obesity in the younger crowd today. It’s epidemic and many teens are starting to have health problems from it. A LOT of these kids are uninsured which doesn’t bode well for getting the care they need.