If you include Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, you have many other brands — Acer, HTC, Vizio, etc..
Acer is a very interesting case. Their computer brand didn’t do so well in the 80s so they concentrated on contract manufacturing. But now they own Gateway.
I’m betting that Acer will surpass Dell which will slowly have to close all of their vaunted just-in-time US manufacturing plants.
Brands are less important than they used to be in my opinion. Consumers are not so brand loyal these days.[/quote]
why in the world are we including Acer and Taiwanese and Singapore brands into the discussion? we are talking Chinese brands, so if you want to include Hong Kong, that makes sense. but to include a brand just because it is from an ethnic Chinese country makes no sense.
that’s like lumping Land Rover and Jaguar and Holden together with GM and Ford and Chrysler because they are all Anglo Saxon brands.