[quote=briansd1]Did you also notice the lack of trees in SF? It’s a pretty barren place generally speaking.
SF is not a very pretty city, if it weren’t for the topography and the ocean.
Yeah, some big projects, don’t make up for the broken roads all over. There are very few smooth roads in SF.
As much as I love NY, I don’t think that the quality of the housing there is acceptable for the money.
And as much as I like the city, the most important thing is physical comfort, so I unstandand why people seek out the new construction of the suburbs. We need new construction in the city, if the city is going to be competitive with the suburbs.[/quote]
brian, you just haven’t gone to the right places to see trees. There are lots of them there. Try the Presidio and Golden Gate Park, for starters…
Dtn SD’s roads aren’t smooth. They are full of potholes and its sidewalks are deeply cracked and embarrassing to display to tourists. Some sidewalks in SD are so out of whack with sunken curbs that I have nearly twisted my ankle several times trying to move dollies of files down the street.
It’s kind of long and laborious to dig into rock on 45-degree-angle streets to install fibre optic and buried cable. Even the streetcar and some buses in SF run on overhead lines. All of this is part of the “ambiance” there.
There are “some” newer dorms and apts built across from SFSU. And “some” newer high-rises and hotels in SF. But most of the *newer* hotels are just old hotels completely remodeled.
You can’t fix this, brian. If you don’t like SF, don’t visit. There is no other place exactly like it on earth and it is there for our enjoyment (unless it happens to fall off the face of the earth in another EQ, lol…)!