I think he’s a douchebag and a dirtbag. Not so much because a few of his projects defaulted on their loans (although that doesn’t help his case for non-douchebaggery), but rather because, here he is AFTER the crisis saying shit like, “I’m not that smart. I don’t know where prices are going. Alan Greenspan got it wrong too, right? It’s Lehman’s fault!” When we KNOW that’s ALL complete BULLSHIT. When he was getting financing for these projects I GUARANTEE you this asshat was saying, “I’m really smart. I know this cycle has legs. Etc, etc.” And paying himself accordingly. THAT’s the reason he’s a dirtbag, not so much because he had a couple of projects go south. I just wish the banks who financed this shit had gotten personal guarantees from him so that he would personally be BK.