[quote=briansd1]Ca renter has a tendency to defend public workers no matter what.
Are the police professionals or are they vengeful savages? I’m glad the beating was caught on tape and I’m glad the “polical” trial sent a message that it’s not acceptable behavior by the police.
ca renter, you like to compare us to northern Europe and the benefits that the state there bestows on public employees. Public employees there are much more respectful of their follow citizens.[/quote]
Hogwash, Brian. I don’t defend public employees “no matter what.” As a matter of fact, I’m often one of their biggest critics. I only defend them when they are being wrongfully accused of something or when somebody makes false or ignorant statements about them.
There is no doubt that totally unjustifiable, horrific, criminal police brutality exists; but the Rodney King incident isn’t one of those instances, IMHO.