[quote=briansd1][quote=CA renter]
What difference does it make now?
Mistakes were made and the financial crisis occured. The first order of priority was to get economic growth going again.
In late 2008, there was an opportunity for heads to roll and for punishing those who created the crisis. But we are past that already.
I’ve moved past the retribution stage.
The truth is that government actions worked in averting a depression. We have returned to a semblance of normality.
There is no way policy makers will allow deflation. That, you can count on.[/quote]
Holy cow, brian…
You act as though taking down the world’s economy is nothing more than stealing a loaf of bread from the corner store.
It’s not a matter of retribution. It’s important to investigate and severely punish those who were involved in the destructive forces that took down our economy **so that it won’t happen again.** As it stands, we’ve rewarded those who destroyed us, and handsomely so. In the meantime, they are trying to make middle class Americans pay for their theft (note how the blame has shifted from Wall Street to union workers who had nothing to do with causing the crisis), while the bankers responsible for our situation sail away on their yachts. There is no possible justification for our refusal to prosecute and claw back every single dollar from these crooks — hidden in overseas accounts, transferred into trusts, given to family/friends, etc. ALL OF IT needs to be paid back.
We were told in 2008 that we would have to wait until “after the crisis is resolved” before going after the theives. Well, according to you and the propaganda machine, the crisis is over. Where are their heads?
BTW, if you think we have somehow avoided a serious financial crisis by printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, you aren’t paying attention. The regular working people of the world are far worse off today than they were in 2008. If they had just walked away from their debts/houses, the banks would have failed, and the govt could have stepped in to make direct loans and cover insured deposits until the deflation blew over. The banks/lenders would have lost (as they should have), but in the end, working people would have been far better off.
Have you been paying attention to what’s going on here and around the world? This is the result of the bankers’ “solution” to the crisis, and it’s only going to get worse.