[quote=briansd1]CA renter, just playing devil’s advocate here.
Do you want 6 driving age residents living on each side of you?
Where are they going to park their cars?
What prevents that in a SFR? Across the street from me they have 5 drivers, 5 cars. Kids grow to teenagers – get cars… they don’t move out anymore… And somehow that house doesn’t have more than 2 in the driveway/garage… the other 3 are on the street.
We have the same model house and have 4 people of driving age (and 2 kids) – only 2 drivers, 2 cars, which are both kept inside the garage and off the street. The city required us to provide an offstreet parking spot that was more draconian in requirements wrt the streetwall than the other spots. If we rent out the granny flat, in the future it will still be 2 cars in the garage – and on the side of the driveway for the granny flat tenant.
I don’t see your argument. Lots of multicar families in single family home neighborhoods.