[quote=briansd1][quote=CA renter]
Some would contend that it was never the unions that “priced us out of the market” because it was those unions that provided the *customers* of those businesses that had union labor. It was a virtuous cycle: well paying jobs produced wealthier employees who were customers of the companies who provided those well paying jobs. Once the corporations decided to get greedy and grow their profits at the expense of their workers and customers, they began the steady destruction of their customer base.
Maybe that wast just an aberration in the history of capitalism.
Allowing unionization and providing more benefits to workers may just have been a temporary concession to workers to avoid revolution.
Remember that in the first 1/2 of the 20th century, revolution was taking place throughout the world.[/quote]
Very possible. Remember that there was a tremendous fear of communism gripping our nation after the Great Depression (this fear of communism being the precursor to the Cold War), IMHO. The GD was triggered by exactly what we’ve seen during this bubble/crash — too much credit, and a growing wealth disparity with the financiers/capitalists growing fatter by the day during the runup. Perhaps allowing workers to unionize in greater numbers quelled this anger for a while.