[quote=briansd1]CA renter, even if your arguments were correct, I think that your point of view is shaped by your personal “ownership” of the issue, and by your anger at bankers.
We have a budget problem at the state and local levels. And we need to solve them based on the resources available, and by remaining faithful to the principal role of government to provide services to citizens.
Your argument of “let’s confiscate the money stolen by bankers”, “let’s cut social security too” is like a petty thief saying “arrest the big criminals first”.
I used to complain to my parents “why are you punishing me for this” when my big brother “got away with that.” They would answer that my situation is different from his and that there’s no moral equivalence.[/quote]
No, it honestly doesn’t have anything to do with my “ownership” of anything, and I resent the fact that people are trying to imply this. I’m looking at the facts, and what happened is that taxpayers and public employees are being forced to take the hits so that the people who caused our financial crisis don’t have to. That is WRONG, plain and simple.
Public employees, as a whole, did NOT do anything wrong, unethical, or illegal. Stop trying to suggest that they did.
And where did I say that we should cut Social Security? Again, please stop putting words in my mouth.