[quote=briansd1][quote=CA renter] Many of the original supporters of the Tea Party (including myself) are now with the Occupy WS movement. We can only hope they stay focused on their goals.
Are you sure about the Tea Party?
I saw through the Tea Party from the very beginning.[/quote]
No, the Tea Party did not start out as a right-wing/anti-government organization. They came about in response to the financial industry’s (and borrowers’) demands for bailouts. They were NOT about healthcare or small government in the beginning.
What most people think of the Tea Party is a creation of the PTB who sought to confuse and distract the original Tea Partiers who were targeting the financial industry. The Democrats were complicit, and worked with the Republicans to do this by bringing out the healthcare bill in the middle of the “financial crisis.” It was so far out of left field, one can only wonder why more people didn’t immediately catch on to what was happening.
The two-party system is used to control, manipulate, divide, and conquer U.S. citizens. They are two heads of the same, vile beast (the financial elite).