[quote=briansd1][quote=CA renter]
Why are some babies born 12 pounds when others are born 7 pounds, and the mother of the 12-pounder gained less weight and ate fewer calories than the mother of the 7-pounder?
There is far more that we DON’T know than what we do know. Until you’ve lived with someone who suffers from these weight problems (and know for a fact that they have almost identical diets to siblings who are “skinny” or “muscular”), you cannot understand what some of us are talking about. You have to see it first-hand to grasp what’s going on with some overweight people.[/quote]
CA renter, if one child is fat, why not teach that child to eat less and substitute foods that have more volume and less calories?
For example while the other kids have croissants and butter, the fat child should have plain oat meal with water. Sounds extreme, but wouldn’t that be better than a lifetime of obesity?
If you had a child who had trouble keeping up in school, would you not give that child some remedial education?
Why do different people have to eat identical diets, as you put it? It’s obvious that different students have to study different amounts to achieve the same results.
I have a friend who’s trying to lose weight. Everytime I talk to him it’s all exercise and healthy eating… When I visit, I see frozen lasagna in the fridge. People will sneak around and eat without telling anyone.[/quote]
I agree.In the end, you have to do what you have to do – anything else is just making excuses. That said, it’s been hell trying to lose the extra 10-15 pounds or so I have on : )