[quote=briansd1][quote=Arraya]The perils of false equivalencies. Gandalf, who is the voice of these so-called “hippies” that have the command of the MSM, as the O’donnell’s and Palin’s, do? What are their platforms?[/quote]
I was going to say the same thing.
O’Donnell and Palin are tools of the selfish and the self-serving in the establishment. The hippies, on the hand, were threats to the establishment. Big difference, in my view.[/quote]
Thanks to both of you.
That comment bothered me too. Me thinks someone just outted himslef for how extremely pro-establishment he is. There seem to be a couple of anachronistic types here who think that if we just get to some semblance of what the old establishment was, we will be just fine.