[quote=briansd1]Allan, by revolutionaries, I was talking about Castro and Mao who started out well-intentioned.
So, Castro and Mao were “romantic revolutionaries”? Wow. Communism killed nearly 100MM people and you find these two “romantic”?
How about Che? Was he romantic, too? I mean, do you have a thing for murderous Stalinists?
My point here is this: You’re more than comfortable glossing over those things you’d rather not confront and demonizing America for all sorts of ills throughout the world, but you find those who are truly despicable and reprehensible, romantic.
Mao and Castro did NOT start off with the “right” idea, dude. They worked off of a game plan that has caused more human misery than any in history. For someone so willing to call foul on organized religion(s) for the same “sin”, you seem strangely silent on this topic.