Good question and one I have experience with. If entertainment was their passion I would support it. My oldest sister had a passion for the theatre which started in high school. Not for acting but for costumes and wardrobe. That was her passion and what she went to college for. She has always successful and earned a very good living. She rose to the highest levels in that field and has worked for and with some of the biggest names in music (all genres), theatre, opera and dance. Fortunately for me, that put me not only backstage but often in the performers dressing rooms after some of the biggest concerts in the history of rock n roll and pop music. While she retired from actively traveling several years ago she still gets requests to go out on short tours and is paid very well when she does. Its her passion and it shines through. Success was a given. Having seen this i would do the same with my own kids. Not that they would need it but they will also have my backing and will never go hungry or homeless.