Brian, you’re still an idiot, although perhaps a calculating one.
New Jersey was HUGE, since the D’s have an incredible vote stealing machine there. They steal around ten percent, so Crist really won big. Nevermind the 7% of disaffected D’s that voted for the stalking horse on the ticket. Were he not there, they’d have broken for Crist, and it would have been even bigger.
The NY congressional race is almost meaningless, except that instead of having a RINO that holds the seat for life, we have a D who will hold it for half of a term. There are at least a dozen republicans in that district giddy with glee over their prospects come next Spring.
Fobbing off VA as a wash is simply whistling past the graveyard. But I’m happy, if you’re happy doing that. If our illegal alien el presidente simply holds course, 2012 will be epic.