Brian you are hilarious. Really. Your postings here rival your posts on why you don’t like american women or why they don’t like you. In this one thread alone you talk about the importance of credit and how our country runs on it but then you advocate deadbeatism which in term ruins credit and even try to give some bizarre argument about how being a deadbeat helps the economy. How about moving out of the house, letting it foreclose, and rent something alot cheaper. Then you get to pay less for your shelter, spend more to “recycle” into Brians economy, and the foreclosed home gets sold to someone who will afford it and it will be sold at the correct market value. I guess that makes to much sense. Forget it your right. Credit for everyone and nobody needs to worry about being a deadbeat because it all will magically work. Sounds good man. I guess your most recent posts are the only ones that really count. Why stick with one point when you can conveniently jump to another.