Brian: When was Obama inaugurated? January 20th of this year, right?
Okay. When did the Nobel committee close voting for the candidates? February 1st of this year.
So, if my math is correct, President Obama had all of roughly 12 days in office between the inauguration and the Nobel committee close.
Looking at it that way, along with some other truly questionable Nobel awards, like Arafat or Carter, I’m sorry, but now you’re claiming that questioning this makes someone a racist?
Or, a “Kansan”, correct? You actually had the chutzpah to refer to Michael Tomasky of The Guardian as a Kansan! Wow. And Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post as well. Do you even know who those two writers are, or their political leanings? Rhetorical question because you clearly don’t.
No, Brian, that now shopworn racist meme doesn’t hold water. At all.
Anymore than legitimate criticism of Obama’s continuation of clearly questionable or actually illegal Bush-era policies is racism. It isn’t. It is dissent and criticism, which, we Americans were told during the Bush Administrations by Democrats, was the highest form of patriotism.
Now it isn’t, interestingly enough. Strange, huh? Or not. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. Same coin, different sides. Same old bullshit, though. Don’t ask questions, Brian, and be a “good German”. Better that way.