Brian: Substitute “Afghanistan” for “health care”. You opined in an earlier posting that Progressives will think a problem through and then decide on the best course of action, yes?
Using that self-same logic, why on earth would Obama commit to a path that even dedicated Dems and Progressives agree is counter-productive, if not downright suicidal?
I think at this point in the game, there are enough broken campaign pledges to go around. This well (health care) has been thoroughly poisoned and you can bet the GOP will take Obama pillar to post on this issue come the midterms. I’m not supporting the strategy, mind you, but the writing is on the wall.
To your credit, you are consistent regarding incremental change and your advocacy for same. This is cram-down legislation and Obama has little to no political capital left to expend. I don’t see this ending in any way except ugly.