In your dream world all homes older than 10 years would be razed and replaced. You constantly go on about functional obsolescence.
These homes aren’t obsolete. They are out of style. Styles change. Preferences change. But the houses still function as they did when they were designed.
There are people who enjoy older homes.
Life is full of choices. You can choose to buy a newer home. But if all the old homes are razed – then those of us who like older homes are denied that choice.
Do you really think that families would move from the suburbs of the north county and east county if the older homes were knocked down and new “functionally better” homes were put in their place? No. The schools are the same. The job centers have shifted out of downtown to the outskirts… there would not be a flight from the suburbs to the central San Diego areas if you razed Mission Hills, Kensington, North/South Park, Clairemont, Linda Vista, etc.
Looking at the pictures in the article – it looks like it was once a really special mission style house. The type they are trying to make happen again in Santa Luz.