Brian. I’m a lefty but I have to say that Allan keeps asking a legitimate question – what is Obama’s plan to fix the economy.
For the life of me, I can’t see a plan. And I was very hopeful that he’d be different.
I agree with Allan that blaming isn’t solving the problem so you (and folks on the other side) should just stop.
I’m not a fan of the GOP suggestions – they won’t fix the problem. But (much as it pains me to say this) they’ve at least put something on the table. Even if that something is crap.
The country’s in a big mess. Perhaps not as bad as Greece… but if we don’t do something we’ll be headed that way. I’d love to see leadership and VIABLE ideas. I don’t see them from either side.
For now… both sides are in the pockets of wall street and corporate interests… and I don’t have much optimism. Saying one side is better (or worse) than the other is splitting hairs. They both suck.