brian – funny you mention the word “wherewithal” again. I was thinking about that word today. When it was first used, it seemed to make sense. But I’ve come to accept now that “wherewithal” is meaningless in so many ways.
During the bubble, it didn’t matter if you had money (wherewithal) to qualify for a loan, as they were giving them to dead people.
Now it doesn’t matter if you have the money to make your mortgage payments (wherewital) b/c banks are not filing NODs, not foreclosing and basically allowing people to live for free for a very long time, like 2 years in some cases.
So to me, “wherewithal” is meaningless now. You can live for free and your “wherewithal” is as good as the banks giving you the “wherewithal.”
Sorry for the tangent. With regard to this place, I guess lessoned learned. Put in the low offer anyway, regardless of what other people bid.