Brian: Cal Thomas? Really? You’re going with Cal Thomas? And, you’re representing that Cal Thomas speaks for the ENTIRE Right? Wow. Talk about broad brush.
How about Michelle Malkin? Does she speak for me, too? Ann Coulter?
This is exactly what I mean about indoctrination and propaganda. If I’m a conservative, then I must certainly be listening to Rush and Hannity and Beck everyday, right? WRONG.
I don’t watch Fox News. Nor do I watch CNN or MSNBC for that matter (since, in truth, Olberman is as vile as Beck).
I don’t listen to Rush. I never have and I never will. Nor do I listen to Beck, whom I consider something out of a Sinclair Lewis novel, circa 1935.
The problem you have, Brian, is an unwillingness to accept that there are thinking conservatives out there. You’re also unable to admit that Obama and the hard left wing of the Democratic Party are capable of error. When confronted with the Administration’s various missteps and bungles, you throw out excuses or blame the Bush Administration.
This is called demagoguery and its intellectually dishonest, to say the least. You can put your hope in Obama, or the Easter Bunny, for that matter. Its your business. But, don’t try to sell “hope” and “change” when being pushed by an administration that’s filled with sneering, tin-eared, ham-handed rhetoricians who have all lost touch with their own country (the “Kansans”).
To argue that “hope” (as sold by Obama) is bringing “peace” to millions in the world, is to willfully close one’s eyes to the realities. If you’re going to push your intellect, USE it. Start by being honest with yourself and see facts, not opinions or talking points. Admit to your own bigotry and biases, especially against people of faith (after all, you have your own religion, its called Leftism). Realize that History (the one with the capital H) is replete with lessons and failing to learn them, means we get them again and again.