Breeze you should frame your posts on your ceiling above your bed at home. When sales are down you can just look up at these many printouts next to your Obama signed photo, which is next to your Jimmy Carter signed photo and you will feel so much better!
A quick look back this week would have many people questioning if Obama really has any sense of leadership. We have already touched on the subject of Timothy Geithner, which I think we already all agree was a bad decision. How about that decision to reverse the ban on international funds to support abortion outside the US? Aren’t we in a recession, possible depression and our Presidents thinks it’s necessary to fund abortions outside the US. Let’s keep the spending up, what a brilliant idea. These bailout plans look great to all the irresponsible people that our Democratic government pushed with their affordable housing plans.
Obama wasn’t done yet. He really wanted to make sure that lobbyists weren’t able to involve themselves in politics anymore, so he signed the executive order only to later waive that order to allow former Raytheon lobbyist William Lynn to serve as his Deputy Secretary of Defense. Obama really is clueless and his inexperience is shining brightly.
We also have the great closing of GITMO. It will be really nice to have some of the worlds most successful terrorists here in Southern California. Maybe Obama will approve an autograph signing so that Breeze can put them on his ceiling as well. If you ever wanted to know how screwed up our system really is check this article out on a man that should have been publicly assassinated.