Breeze no you are not supposed to feel sorry for me at all. My example is actually one that is supposed to display how fragile an engineering job can be. The example was not supposed to draw pity or anything of the sort.
Once more you my friend have missed the point entirely. I don’t want your pity for myself, for the american people, for anybody.
Many bulls get BLASTED for trying to portray a situation that is not based on fact, that is speculative in nature. In some respects sitting way up high on your pile of money looking down at the minyans and saying eh, let the bad times roll so they will all learn thier lessons, while you personally will not be affected, while NOBODY that you care about or have ever cared about will NEVER BE AFFECTED is a LIE. It is a fallacy that lies on the other end of the spectrum as those bulls who routinely get blasted.
No doubt there is tons of opportunity. You don’t need to tell me about it. I feel the same way about people who bitch about the price of housing Breeze. Hey people bitch about how you cannot afford a downpayment? Well work your ass off and save money. I do it. I work my ass off and have saved plenty of cash. I don’t personally wish for a monster recession to come and spank everyone back to a quaker like existence just so that I can afford a home. Talk about whining… how many posts do we see where people are whining about how they are priced out? Hey tough break for you pal, think about ways to make yourself more money to even the playing field rather then wishing that the playing field will come down to you.
Look I KNOW that there is no solution here. I don’t have a drop of sympathy for American citizens who overspend and such. I care about myself and family first, but also for my relatives and many friends I have. Many of them are hard working and they WILL be affected adversely. I know that there is no panacea that will not hurt and hurt badly and hurt those that deserve and do not deserve it.
Try this Breeze. List all of your relatives, list all of your friends and go down that list and see if none of them are affected. That they all are as well prepped as you and oh by the way when they do get whacked, make sure you tell them to pick it up and take a salt pill.