Breeze: I’m not. A careful reading of my responses would indicate that I’m taking issue with your perfervid ranting on about Obama’s greatness.
I’m also going to great lengths to point out, and in a non-partisan fashion, that he is not all that he is cracked up to be.
His relationships with Rezko, and Reverend Wright, and especially Bill Ayers, do matter. Ayers is not a “community activist”, he’s a homegrown terrorist. I don’t use that term lightly, but he is. He’s famously quoted as saying, following 9/11, that he wished he’d blown up more buildings.
Rezko is as dirty as they come, and if you spend any time researching the land deal that the Obama’s did, you’ll see that Michelle Obama and her law firm are just as involved with this mess.
I could care less about his political stripe, but it does MATTER TO YOU. You rant against “right-wing nutjobs”, when many of us are anything but. I’m an arch-conservative, but it doesn’t clearly connote slavish adherence to the Republican Party, as evidenced by the fact that I haven’t voted for them since 1996. I found Dubya to be a well meaning frat boy, who got thrown into a much bigger job than he was prepared for and blew it (not unexpectedly).
His, however, is a cautionary tale for Obama as well. If you think for a second that the people and news media won’t turn on him and savage him without surcease, well, look at how the people and media lionized Bush in 2000. See any similarities? They’re painfully obvious.