Boy, you are just hittin them out of the park tonight.
Let’s think this through:
If there were no sun, Venus would be much much colder. Atmospheric pressure by itself has nothing to do with it. Instead, Venus is hot because it has lots and lots of CO2 which just love to absorb the sun’s energy.
And BTW:
An increase in CO2 can easily trigger another ice age … if the increased freshening of the north atlantic caused by meltwater runnoff shuts down the thermohaline circulation (“the gulfstream”). No concept could be simpler, but extremely difficult to predict precisely. The point is that we are whacking our life support system (e.g. climate system) with a sledgehammer. There are a lot of things that could go seriously wrong. Generally, climate scientists try to focus on quantifying the most predictable outcome (steady CO2 rise leads to steady temperature rise). But there are many extreme positive and negative feedbacks that could be triggered if we reach a tipping point. We could trigger an ice age, or if the large permafrost carbon resevoirs of the permafrost and the methane hydrates are released we could be back in dino-climate (crocodiles in greenland).
When you don’t understand the consequences of your actions, it is best to slow down and be cautious. But heck, let’s just burn up all that coal and oil anyhow.