Boy did I have fun at Costco this weekend. I got the Ghost Pines Merlot. I’m kicking myself for not buying the rest of them out of the store because the register actually said “Low Stock” when the casheer rang it up! It’s the best wine I’ve had in that price range, ever! Every sip melted in my mouth. The perfect balance of fruits, with a nice aged taste to it, as well as some spices. It finishes very well. It definately stands up well to my $30 bottles of Rambauer and Rosenblum, and at less then half the price it’s a steal. I hope I can get more. Please god, let Costco get more Ghost Pines!!
Second, they had the Cameron Hughes Mt Veder cab, so I picked up a bottle of that. I’m assuming that the Mt. Veder cab is coming from Franciscan’s Mt Veder winery, but I could be wrong… LOL
Finally, they had some great specials. I’m not sure how good it is, I’ve only had the BV Napa Cab, but they had the BV Costal Cab for $5.99 with the coupon, I also got a nice Sebastiani Merlot for $9.99 with the coupon, I’ve been to Sebastiani and I love their wines, so I’m sure it will be good.
With regards to some of the other comments, I don’t understand how anyone can drink a red wine the next day after opening it. I just can’t allow myself to do it, especially with the daily swills. The only way I can is if I seal it with a pump type device so that it keeps the freshness in. To each their own I guess. The bottom line for me is if I’m opening a nice bottle of wine then I’m finishing it, guests or not… LOL
In terms of wine glasses, couldn’t agree with previous posters more, you gotta have it big or you can’t enjoy the wine as much. I’m a cheapskate, so I go for the glasses at Ikea. They look big and expensive, but ring up at only $2.50 a piece or so… A real steal… But if you can spring the cash go for the Riedels. 😉