Bought two homes and sold one in past 7 years. In 1999 saw many many homes and spoke with many agents. Vast majority of realtors seemed to be women with ZERO knowledge of anything remotely technical such as what is Home Depot, what is a setback, what is 1099, “I think Mello Roos is 10 years”, etc. Its seems that you have this knowledge. GREAT! Here a summary of the skills I would want in an agent that would justify their costs 🙁 PLEASE comment):
1. Have detailed knowledge of the desirability of homes features, i.e. freeway/street noise issues, traffic patterns, nearby parks, new developments, etc.
2. Know when the best time of year to purchase, anticipate multiple bids, etc.
3. Having great curuiosity of home features. Have a general knowledge of building codes, repair costs, appraisal process. Take weekend course on appraisals, etc to get this knowledge.
4. Have an understanding of basic tax concepts. Take one tax class at SDSU on 1040 if no knowledge.
5. Have taken a financial planning seminar/class. Understand basic rules of mortgage financing.
So ideally, the agent will discuss goals with buyers, discuss appropriate prices and be able to show houses that fit the criteria. When showing a house, should be able to state defects in home and approx. costs to mitigate if possible. sdrealtor, you may state that only 1 & 2 fall in the agents role, but without other knowledge how does agent answer this question: “Do you think a $1.25M 3000SF house in Carmel Valley makes financial sense?