Raptorduck: Have followed your posts about your search for some time, & enjoyed your comments about Santaluz, where my wife and I have lived for 2+ years. Our satisfaction with Santaluz gets higher the longer we live here. The low density, strict landscaping and architectural controls, the gated aspect, and the dark skies lighting policy fit us fine–but are not for everybody. Read the CC&Rs carefully & be prepared to live with them.
Remember that part of “Santaluz” is west of the Camino Del Sur and is high density or impacted by huge power lines, so is not in your league. Also remember that there are only two gated entrances so don’t by swayed by comments by another poster about all the signs out in front on Camino Del Sur pushing open houses. There is nowhere else to put the signs for this rather large community, so they’ll bunch up there.
Given your deep analysis, I suspect you already know more about the comparative merits of Santaluz vs. the competition. You probably know more about the schools, building possibilities, etc. than I do. I only weigh in as one who has experienced the place, and who, frankly, likes tough CC&Rs.
Another observation about Santaluz: Lots of young families! This surprised us, and a lot of other residents. Where do they get their money? I dunno…techies I suspect. Anyway, with a large and growing family, that may be a consideration for you.
As to the arrogant and all-knowing RE agents…you are smart enough to not be swayed by anecdotal evidence. I’ve observed good ones and bad ones here, and with the direction of the San Diego marketplace, the pompous ones will (should) soon be humbled by the trends. Time is on your side, and if you are patient and knowledgeable, you will find the optimal place.