I live in Santaluz. Yes, we have demanding architectural and landscaping requirements…aiming to keep the environment natural-looking and true to the early California heritage of the area. If you want lights shining up on palm tree trunks, lots of artificial color from plantings at every intersection, and heavily watered green lawns wasting water, go to the Crosby. Yeah, we’re a little snobbish about it, and frankly not everyone living here agrees, but for my wife and I, empty nesters, it is heaven. Kind of grows on us.
Lots of hiking trails, big lots & big houses if you want them, some with terrific views.
Also, a “dark sky” policy. No glaring lights, on streets or on houses. A little spooky at first, but you can see the moon and stars immediately by stepping out your front door.
Santaluz has had some REO’s, mostly on east side of Del Sur Road, where they put in tacky boxes close to one another for $800k or so three-four years ago. Should not be confused with the REAL Santaluz, east of Del Sur.
Another consideration…we were really surprised at how many families live in Santaluz. Your kids will not lack for friends, although it is quite a hike to walk to neighbors.