C’mon Raptor, admit it. Some day you will be my neighbor in Santaluz. Sure, it seems overpriced. But a place perceived as “overpriced” generally stays that way, for whatever reason. As for Santaluz, I love the absense of huge eucalyptus trees everywhere, as in RSF & Fairbanks. Our distant views, the high altitude here, the tough CC&Rs are big pluses to me. To each his own.
When you visit, try to corral a resident at the pool or clubhouse and ask them about living at Santaluz. That is better market research than any realtor talk, or statistics available traditionally.
We live in a (relatively) small 2600 sf casita, bought for its simplicity and lack of stairs. Paid way too much per square foot, but the quality of the construction was great and we fell for the atmosphere of the place.
Then again, maybe I’m not so smart…bought in June of ’05, the absolute top of the market! Am now appealing my property tax assessment with the county as I believe I can document a 10% fall in value based on comps from January of ’07 (the relevant date for tax assessment purposes).
Wherever you buy, time is on your side. Prices will continue downward everywhere. Happy hunting…make only lowball offers.