[quote=bobby]Speaking from personal experience, if one chose a major carefully, it’s a very good idea to borrow for an education.[/quote]
Sure, up to $20K for an Accounting or other specialized business degree while under the age of 45 … preferably WELL under. NOT sure its worth it for an advanced degree as there is no guarantee anymore of a promotion when the student finally obtains it (excepting teachers, but that’s probably not happening as much anymore).
If the student is borrowing for a degree program which is glutted with unemployed majors, a program which is not occupational or for ANY degree program after the age of 45 (ESP in SD County, where THOUSANDS of GRATEFUL FT employees cross the int’l border every day to work), they are fools and will never see enough money from employment in this county to pay off that program in their lifetimes, IMHO.
“Legal” age discrimination is alive and well everywhere, although in some areas of the country it is much worse. SD County, CA is one of those areas.