And it works both ways. Few people go to work every day to be charitable. They do it for the money.[/quote]
But like any relationship there are power dynamics. The side with relatively more power will have the upper hand and will make the rules.
One example: at will employees can be fired anytime; and the employees can “fire” the employer and leave anytime. But the truth is that employers will fire employees the same day. But the employee is usually expected to give 2-week notice. There is a clear power imbalance.[/quote]
you can up and leave.
“I quit”. of course that bridge is burned.
if one work in a small industry, burning too many bridges is bad for career unless that person is a known superstar.
in a big industry, not so much.[/quote]
Of course, when a company fires someone, the owners and executives still have money to sustain themselves; when a worker quits, she risks being unable to provide for herself and her family. This is a very big distinction that really shows how uneven the power structure is.
Additionally, most companies force their employees to sign non-compete clauses/agreements. Can you imagine if employees were able to force their employers to sign agreements prohibiting the employer from hiring someone else who was competing with the employee?
And while most people are unaware of what the employer is paying most other employees (and employers do everything in their power to ensure they don’t find out). OTOH, the employers usually know exactly what their competitors are paying their employees…and obviously know what each of their own employees is making, and what’s expected for that money. The information is completely one-sided.
I find it sickening that the departments who handle employee-related issues have gone from being called “personnel departments,” to “human resources, and now to “human capital.” This is a very clear attempt to dehumanize employees. Gotta love our “capitalist paradise.”
There is no free market where labor is concerned. The entire market is 100% rigged by corporate/financial interests. And yet, people will vote in droves for the very people who created this mess (both Republicans and corporate-sponsored Democrats).