[quote=Blogstar]You can argue about these two shit bags all you want. From the echelon of people who could actually be president , evidently very few of them want to be.
Anyone who could be president is already rich and actually has a premium life compared to what president goes through. Only kind of fucked up egotistical people would want the job. That’s what we get. In Obama’s case if they are not extreme rich and powerful insiders a completely propped up telepromted puppet.
The whole process is tearing at the fabric of society. Get elected from the floor of the Jerry Springer show, manipulating people’s most base issues that have nothing to do with good governance and go to work for the oligarchs of which you probably are one. None of these people have being a public servant as a high priority. Can’t even let your kids watch the process it’s so bloody shameful.[/quote]
Don’t know if it is Orwellian or Barnum and Bailey.. maybe a bit of both, throw in some “Three Days of the Condor”(re: Shadow Gov that really pulls the strings while making us think our votes really make a diff).