[quote=Blogstar]The making a family stage is the easiest as far as maintaining a pair bond. Kids are consciousness altering for the better even it they do poop their diapers all the time .
Loyalty is an interesting topic and thanks to CaRenter I am considering the possibility of getting kicked to the curb when the kids are out of the house in about 10 years. Never really trust anyone. Thanks CaRenter! You have spoken well for your gender.[/quote]
I must have missed something here. Why do you think you’ll be kicked to the curb in 10 years? And how did I convince you of that?
And as far as kids making it easier to bond with your spouse…the fact that you say that means that you’re probably an excellent father and husband (which I’ve always assumed about you, BTW). But all too often, making babies is where the rubber meets the road; and far too many males start heading for the exit, either directly (straight abandonment) or indirectly (by becoming such a repulsive, selfish louse that he essentially forces the wife to divorce him) once the babies are born.