I think you could do some more reading. The scientific debate does involve the things I mentioned. We don’t know everything Darwin or not. We do know that all primates exhibit homosexual activities and always have. Making this a moral issue comes from the church(well before darwin) and some state’s agendas. I am sure some of us can be free from influence of those institutions ,or think we are, and be prejudiced too.[/quote]
Nice bluff? I’m trying not to be too harsh about your, well, hand waving. Just to clarify – since you want to talk about homosexuality (which I told spdrun I wasn’t) there’s significant support for the proposition that there are likely both genetic and developmental factors influencing homosexuality, and that the increase in fertility among gay men’s female relatives “makes up” for their lower level of reproduction. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2158795/Gay-gene-survives-generations-female-relatives-homosexual-men-babies.html
Furthermore, there is a lot of evidence that the maternal immune response to the fetus may also play a part.
Blogstar, there is no question in my mind that you’re rather uninformed on the science relating to this topic. Read before you write . . .