[quote=Blogstar]My wife told me recently that 4 out of 4 volunteers in my kids class that had participated significantly enough to get a sort of thank you Christmas present from the teacher were men! This is first grade, not high school football practice. times have changed quite a bit I would say.
I know two elderly men who have been divorced 3 times each…kids everywhere. I have never heard them generalize in a negative tone about women and they still sincerely appreciate them. Of the six exes I only hear about one being a bad person and the kids from her think it too. Maybe we are getting weak.[/quote]
Very true. One of the things that surprised me most when I had kids was going to the park in the middle of the week and seeing that half of the parents there are dads…and they’re not just hanging around drinking beers while “watching” the kids, but really engaging with them. My DH and I often comment on how far men have come in the past decade or two. Very cool.
And yes, I want to protect SAHDs every bit as much as I want to protect SAHMs.