[quote=Blogstar]Lots of work that people do , especially blue collar men, degrades their bodies as much or worse than pregnancy and/or have high death risk factors. So, if pregnancy is allocated for, how about that?
1 baby=1 decade as an industrial worker.[/quote]
Fair enough. I agree. Except a baby only takes nine months but I feel the new mom should be compensated extra for 12 months due to needing 3 months to hassle with getting rid of any excess weight and toning up. While she’s at the gym five days per week, the employer dad can do his 50% stint with the kid.
The industrial worker can file a worker’s comp claim for any injuries they sustain while on the job or any rehab they need. No such benefit extends to new moms.
That’s because a blue collar job is “valued” by society and the law and bearing children isn’t. It’s assumed a middle school dropout can bear chidren (and be a drain on taxpayers).
This isn’t necessarily my opinion, folks. It’s just the way the world works so I accept it.