[quote=Blogstar]I don’t think scaredy’s six pack or my 8 pack hold much sway with our respective wives or with women in general.
The best way to be attractive is to be almost universally kind, not too addicted, humorous,Patient(something I lack) , at least moderately productive and definitely interesting by doing things that are appealing widely across genders on a regular basis with at least several activities,, good ones are art, gardening, nature activities, exercise(not macho contests) reading, cooking and dining, liking at least some chick flick or theatre, reading and or language hobbies, dancing, etc. Beauty can help of course, we are easily swayed by that for sure, but it can be bad when it is put above these things or used too blatantly to cross socio-economic lines, ignoring what is important.
Many women have told me they liked me after seeing how kind I was to old people! Sincerely appreciating children , not just to pass your name, just children anywhere, can make life easier. I have gotten respect for how bad my cars are.
If a man is like that and not cursed with obvious health issues, he will be potentially accepted by lots of straight women (appreciated by lesbians) .. pretty much anyone except gold diggers .
The comment about it being easier for some, like getting good grades is true though. I’d try not to get too hung up on improving the superficial though.[/quote]
LOVE this!!! 🙂
And I think that younger women are attracted to this as well…at least the smart ones who are (IMO) marriage material will be attracted to this.