[quote=Blogstar]How does this work out in real life CAR, does your husband pay you? Does he know how and taking a shirt to the cleaners or how much sex costs? Are you putting the money in a separate savings account. If not what’s the point in worrying about it?[/quote]
It’s not so much about me, personally, as it is about family and divorce law, in general. The feminists are trying to paint a picture of SAHPs as parasites who deserve nothing in return for their services. They are actively undermining the protections for SAHPs that many have worked so hard for over the years. Feminists like BG will do everything in their power to prevent people from having any choice at all. They have a very specific agenda, and they will stop at nothing in order to see it though. They believe there is only one way to raise a family (if one should even have a family) — their way is the only way they see fit to “parent.” They don’t care how many lives are destroyed in the process. That’s what I have a problem with.
And, yes, he pays me in the form of financial security. We both acknowledge the value of each other’s contributions. Neither one of us questions the fact that a transaction is being made where work and money are concerned, and we both feel that we are getting a good deal — he’ll be the first to tell you this.