[quote=Blogstar][quote=CA renter][quote=Blogstar]What control does any outside party have over what a sahm gets for her services? When would it ever make a difference what you think your work and sex are worth monetarily? How could anyone possibly destroy what you are doing with any agenda? This all sounds paranoid and weird. The whole thing looks like it’s based in some insecurity about justifying your existence.
I know a few stay at home moms and I can’t think of one who would be want to be caught dead talking like you do. Do you have friends who are all into sharing these ideas?[/quote]
Like I’ve said, Russ, I’ve spent years studying family formation trends and their economic effects on families and society. I don’t get my opinions from friends, I get them as a result of doing a lot of research. That’s why I know about Warren Farrell and Ann Crittenden, among many others who research and write about these topics.
How do these people affect what SAHPs get for their services? They actively work to change laws that were put in place to protect SAHPs — alimony, child support/custody, community property, etc. They have been chipping away at these protections for years. There is no paranoia on my part, but there is a lot of ignorance on your part, Russ.[/quote]
That’s the way it looks to me.
Are your views even in anyone else’s ballpark?[/quote]
Very few people do the amount of research that I do. I’m almost OCD about researching things. Most people blithely make their way though life, totally unaware of any possible threats until it’s too late.
(Also added some more to my post that you’ve quoted.)