You just said that thing that’s bolded again. Then you claimed that there is sociological proof for that thing that is bolded that you just said that you never say.
And that men are catching up wouldn’t be a compliment or an insult if you didn’t first believe that women are better than men.
Then you pepper more anecdotes to prove what you aren’t saying. Your own dad is proof( big surprise there).
My childhood life was terrible but my parents are not proof any general truth about the comparative value of their respective genders and either is your father or any number of bad actors you want to cherry pick.
So you say all the time that women are better than men. It is a part of who you are. “Mask of political correctness” my ass. You are coercive. At least don’t deny that your position is that women are better than men and always have been.
You can bold it again, that’s still where you are at.[/quote]
Okay, where is your proof that men have always been good husbands and fathers? Where is your evidence that they have always helped out with domestic chores and caretaking?
Where is your evidence that men haven’t oppressed others, especially women?
And while my father was not a good husband, he was a good father (as stated). My mother was not such a good mother. I can be honest and objective about this subject…far more honest and objective than you are.
How about your family? Didn’t you say that it was your father who caused so much harm to your family?
And how about all of those other families where the father has abandoned them? Can you compare that to the number of women who’ve abandoned their families?
How about crime rates? Take a look at which gender commits most of the violent (and other) crimes.
So, yeah, I’m not going to pretend that everything has always been great between the sexes, and I’m not going to pretend that women haven’t been subjugated by men throughout all of human history. And I’m not going to pretend that the way “woman’s work” is perceived and valued isn’t almost entirely based on women’s status throughout human history.
Perhaps you’d like to live in some kind of intellectual fairyland, but I don’t.[/quote]
You are still doing it .
My mother abandoned 7 of 8 kids to marry a wealthier man and live an easier and better life, She took me with her at least in part because she was stealing my childhood to keep her company.
She is proof of nothing about the comparative value of her gender.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure you’ve said that your father wasn’t the best, but I’m not going to search for it…that’s not my point here.
How about answering any of the other questions…have any evidence that men haven’t oppressed women, abused them, abandoned them and their children…especially more than the reverse?