[quote=Blogstar][quote=CA renter][quote=Blogstar]O.k. Good argument on the family staying together. Well put together.
I agree about the appearance of dog piling but CaRentter is debating pretty badly too. Has yet to admit where she has been wrong anywhere. And she has been plenty, maybe you could call it hyperbole but she is completely sincere in her claims that sociology proves men are worse than women and that other crap. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I know.[/quote]
Please clearly point out where I am wrong. Please explain — very clearly, and without utter nonsense like “you’re being whiny,” which proves nothing — which points I am missing. And please do not do what UCGal did, where she claimed that I said something that was neither stated nor implied.
As for the notion that “men are worse than women,” I’ve never said that; what I have said is that men have oppressed women throughout history…which is why, IMHO, “women’s work” doesn’t carry the same status as “men’s work,” and why people insist (even to this day!) that it has little/no value, either monetary value, or value to their families or society. If you have some evidence to share with us that shows otherwise, I’d love to see it.[/quote]
I have showed you how male privilege and power isn’t, I have shown you how what you call abandonment is expulsion. All your errors of perception and wrong conclusions are where your “oppression” comes from. Men and women built culture together with the animal differences we have. We either grow together or we don’t grow together, but holistically speaking there is no catching up to do.
You lie about what you want to see. That gets old.[/quote]
1. Where? Please show us how men have not owned and oppressed women throughout history. Please explain how the division of labor and gender roles that are based on a patriarchal system of values don’t affect the way we value a person’s contributions to society.
2. As for that expulsion thing…I had mentioned that my DH and his mother were abandoned (he left when she was pregnant). By coincidence, I happened to know my DH’s biological father, and since my MIL was such a b-word to me in the beginning of our marriage, I thought it would be helpful to inquire about the “real” reason for the abandonment. Surely, it must have been my MIL who didn’t want to “share” her son with the father, right? Guess what? He couldn’t even come up with any reason, whatsoever. He essentially said, “I honestly can’t think of anything that [my MIL] did to cause me to leave.” Just one anecdote, but this was a college professor, not some bum off the street. I think you give the SOBs who abandon their families too much credit.
3. Please show me an example of my “errors of perception” and “wrong conclusions.” BACK IT UP with some kind of evidence. It can be historical, logical, statistical, etc. Just bring SOMETHING to the table here other than personal attacks and childish antics.
4. Women have had almost no say in defining our culture. The only way a woman could have any influence, historically, was if she had the ear of a more powerful man. Our laws, religions, social norms, etc. were all created by men for men. Even the way our economy works was/is designed in a way that favors men over women, as “men’s work” can be monetized, but “women’s work” cannot, at least not in a politically correct way, as seen in this thread. For much of human history, almost all caretaking was done by women, and they were expected to do it for “free,” out of the kindness of their hearts — nurses, teachers, mothers…have all been expected to do their work for non-monetary remuneration (you know, the joy of caring for others), and even after we finally managed to pay them for their work, they are paid relatively little when compared to males in positions that have similar educational requirements and responsibility levels. And is there any job dominated by men where the workers are as maligned and picked apart, personally, as teachers are?
5. Where have I lied? Quote me telling a single lie.