Blaming the victim is not usually a good idea, however, one has to question every day common sense of the “victims” of this scam.
If it is too good to be true, it usually is.
This is just another representation of a society flawed by its incessant and persistent need to accumulate wealth without having to work for it. Pure and simple greed. That only works for the World Bank, it does not work for simple peasants like the family that bought 8 houses in Temecula. Sheesh. Does not take a brain surgeon to know that something is rotten in Denmark.
This is not to say that the “victims” are not “nice” people. I am sure they work hard, and are kind to kids and animals. Their lust for greed did away with common sense. The company should be held responsible for creating false documents, etc., but the individual is essentially responsible for signing on the dotted line. Blaming the company for purchasing 8 houses?!! Ludicrous. The entitlement is disgusting.
They would have had better luck with the slot machines.