[quote bibsoconner] bleeding gums and deep pockets around teeth. When the dentist does that test where they stick a sharp object between your teeth and gums, he manages to call out “4, 5, 6” as opposed to “1, 2, 3″[/quote]
This tends to be an indication of gingivitis. Things to look at:
Brushing – At least after meals, before bed. You want sugars to be on the teeth/gums for as short a period of time. Flossing is also important. I use a water-pik forsome of my flossing. After brushing, rinse with Listerine.
Toothpaste – don’t use the sweet ones. I tend to use Arm&Hammer’s Peroxicare. Tastes like crap, but works well and contains both hydrogen-peroxide and baking soda.
Diet – Cut sweets/sugars and things that can be quickly converted to sugars.
Immune issues – are you immuno-suppressed? Taking immuno-suppressants (medicines to reduce rashes etc are immuno-suppressive)
How are your teeth in general? cavities can contribute to gingivitis.
Vitamins – I take Nature Made Multi-Complete. I used to take Twin-Labs multi, but seemed to find that they were losing ‘potency’. There is no real inspection/standard for purity and concentration (that the vitamins really contain the vitamins they claim). Some vitamins are cert’d by USP (U. S. Pharmacopeial Convention). They have some standards and lists of vitamins that they test/verify. NatureMade, Kirkland, TruNature and Berkley & Jensen are listed.