“Black Sunday” was at JCP to get my kid her fav knockoff designer boots for $35 (w/coupon).
All local stores and online has been sold out of them for the last 2 weeks so had to drive to East County to pick them up.
Yes, Shadowfax, brick & mortar stores are way too crazy to deal with this time of year and I would prefer to shop online.
Was surprised to discover the old “Parkway Plaza” is now the (remodeled) “Weisfield Parkway Shoppingtown,” lol!
I’m going to keep the holidays “low-key” (read: NOT debt-inducing) this year and have only 3 people to shop for. I will mostly use AMEX points online plus a few loyalty gift cards I have for my very specific list.
Of course, I will again wait until 12/20 or 12/21 to get a 7′ noble fir off a lot for $5 – $30 cash.